
Vietnam: Report on the training workshop for local authorities and management agencies to share the NDF’s recommendations and guidance for implementation of the recommendations at the local level

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Vietnam: Report on the training workshop for local authorities and management agencies to share the NDF’s recommendations and guidance for implementation of the recommendations at the local level

Short description of output announced and beneficiaries:

The non-detriment findings (NDF) report for D. cochinchinensis and D. oliveri in Vietnam has been developed and approved by Vietnam CITES Management Authority. The report provided full information on parameters of biology, distribution, population size, population trend, main threats and management, harvest management, capacity for monitoring the harvest, benefits of harvest, and strict protection. Following the developed NDF report and its recommendations, CCD organized a training workshop at the Cat Tien national park headquarters on 27 December 2021 for law enforcement officers who are forest rangers at different levels and in key protected areas. The training was given to 33 participants from 15 organizations and agencies to improve their capacity and understanding through (i) training on the morphology and distribution of D. cochinchinensis and D. oliveri; (ii) training on the population sizes of both the species; and (iii) training on the non-detriment findings of both the species. It also included the NDF procedures, the results, and the recommendations of the NDF report.

After the training, the participants perceived that the wild populations of D. cochinchinensis and D. oliveri in Vietnam were small and fragmented, and no harvest and export should be permitted in the next five years.

Authors of the news item: Centre for Nature Conservation and Development.

Contact for further information: [email protected].

Project title: Strengthening the management and conservation of Dalbergia cochinchinensis and Dalbergia oliveri in Vietnam.

Project duration: 36 months.

Country name: Vietnam.

Implementing agency: Center for Nature Conservation and Development.
