
The main objective of project 1 is the expansion of the use of NIRS Technology to between two forest products: Dalbergia wood species and rosewood oil in field conditions. Therefore, this project, which will directly contribute to the expected output of the CITES Tree Species Programme, is part of a long-term research project for the development of a user-friendly, rapid, powerful, non-destructive, cost-effective, reliable prediction methodology for wood identification which could be used by environmental enforcement agents at checkpoints. The use of NIRS identification models is feasible to export to multiply its application, for its reasonable cost equipment, field mobility and easiness of training forest agents.

The main objective of project 2 is to verify the feasibility of using NIRS Technology to monitor Swietenia macrophylla wood from its origin to the port of export. The project can be considered as an extension of the mahogany and similar wood identification project to the field situation. The NIRS methodology is proven to be functional for controlled analysis situations, and however, for the field situation, wood moisture is an impediment. Thus, in this project, an innovative, punctual and fast wood drying proposal will be tested. Values below 12% of wood moisture necessarily have to be reached for the discriminatory models to work accurately.
The same NIRS methodology can be applied for three distinct purposes: identifying the forest species, identifying the geographic origin, and monitoring the transport of wood. NIRS identification models are viable because they present results in real-time, have equipment of reasonable cost, have mobility, and are easily handled.


Les appellations utilisées sur cette carte et la présentation des données qui y figurent n’impliquent de la part du Secrétariat de l’Organisation des Nations Unies aucune prise de position quant au statut juridique des pays, territoires, villes ou zones, ou de leurs autorités, ni quant au tracé de leurs frontières ou limites. Le tracé définitif de la frontière entre la République du Soudan et la République du Soudan du Sud n’a pas encore été défini. Les pointillés correspondent approximativement à la ligne de contrôle au Jammu-et-Cachemire fixée par l'Inde et le Pakistan. Les parties n’ont pas encore réglé la question du statut définitif du Jammu-et-Cachemire. La souverainté sur les îles Falkland (Malvinas) fait l’objet d’un différend entre le Gouvernement de l’Argentine et le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord.

Project 1

Project 2



209.29 million





